Michael Stjernholm, Assistant Guide
Michael Stjernholm has spent his life wandering the inner and outer wilds, echoing back its beauty through photography and poetry. He deeply values connection and relationship and is most interested in meeting people beyond the labels and identifications that we use to define ourselves (the same way the natural world meets each of us). Michael has a background guiding wilderness trips and has been both a participant and apprentice in the Ecology of Awakening Yearlong Program. He has experienced first hand the powerful transformation that is possible when we come together in wild places and relearn to listen, see, and sense the way Life truly moves. His greatest love is to support those who are navigating “the space in between” or what he experiences as the dance between form and formless. He believes that a more beautiful world is possible through re-authoring our individual and collective stories and mythologies to hold All That Is, as alive, sacred, and interconnected. His website is Miraculous Moments